Tuesday, May 22, 2012

The Very Hungry Caterpillar

As most of you know - I homeschool my little girl and a few friend's children.

I did a unit on caterpillar's and butterflies. I decided I would theme with Eric Carle's "They Very Hungry Caterpillar".

Welcome to caterpillar day!

It was a normal day at school for the kids. They came in and set their things in their basket and hung up their coats. Heading to their mats for circle time. I started out singing the welcome song (Yes, I ruin their ears on voice with my singing!) followed by calendar, weather and the days of the week songs. We put little leaves on the calendar to mark the days that were passing. Next up was music time.. and it was time to boogie! We listened to a lot of our favorite children's music. Dancin' those wiggles out! Afterwards, we read "The Very Hungry Caterpillar" for story time.

Shake the sillies out! 
 After we got all of the sillies out it was time to do a small lesson. I had a few caterpillar life cycle cards. ( Of course Eric Carle style! ) I laid them out for the girls and had them place them in order of the life of a caterpillar. They did  an excellent job!
Hmm..what's next?

After they both finished their cards. I had a few small beads, a felt leaf and some clay. They got to make their very own caterpillar, and the egg on the leaf. I was so proud of their sculptures! 

A little egg lay on a leaf..
 I had hung up some balloon above their baskets just like Mr. Caterpillar!
Big Caterpillar!

After we had a potty break, and lunch it was time to lay down for nap. We had a busy afternoon and the girls needed their rest. I sat with them and rubbed their backs until they fell asleep. While they slept I prepped the afternoon's adventure and snack. 


When the girls woke up they had a small snack. Juice boxes and fuit. I showed them a big empty box. They had no idea what it could be for. Maybe a hat? A racecar? a fort? A chair? NOPE! -- it was going to be a home for the caterpillar. I taught the girls about monarch butterflies. They only come from a small caterpillar that lives only on milkweed. We went outdoors and headed out into the yard in search of milkweed. We were looking around the greenhouse when we saw one climbing up the side of the green house wall! It was perfect. I was brave and let it crawl on my hand. The girls picked leaves and a stick for the box and we laid him inside to bring up into the classroom. 

Caterpillar Castle! 
 Look -- there he is!

Mr. Caterpillar

We brought the box upstairs to the classroom and placed him inside the jar ( with holes in the top! ) along with his stick  and leaves. I told the girl we would be able to watch for him to make his new home -- a chrysalis. .. we wait.

Welcome home Mr. Caterpillar!

Hope you enjoyed our caterpillar day!


1 comment:

  1. this was my favorite day of school so far! i cant wait until the caterpillar hatches!
