Wednesday, May 16, 2012

New beginnings..

Well, here I am .. you could say finally.
   I'm Meg by birth.. but I also respond to "Mom, Mommy, Mum, Mumma, Mummy, Mommykins, Mummalina, HEY!, Meggyloo, Meggie, and Megs." I much prefer Meg, or even Superwoman. I could handle that. Let's face it .. us Mom's.. we're superwomen, domestic diva's, and the Queen of the castle.
So, why are we both here?
Well, after some easy convincing from a few friends.. I'm here to share my (second life) family's life, our adventures, mishaps and day to day fun.

So.. with that...
I hope you enjoy our little slice of heaven

~ Meg

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