Friday, August 9, 2013

Whale Watching, Ice Cream & Fireflies

     Whale Watching, Ice Cream & Fireflies

One quiet summer afternoon Ivy invited her friends Joey and Olivia over to the house to play. Earlier that morning as I was drinking my coffee out back on our porch and watching the sea roll in and out I saw something, something large out in the ocean. It was what I thought.. a whale. Our whale. If you have been following our lives'll know we have a whale that seems to follow us. We lovingly named.. Mr. Whale. We didn't think the whale would be able to find us so far away, as we did move across the ocean. I didn't think it could be him.. but perhaps, if we were lucky. Whales do migrate and perhaps, just perhaps he sensed where we were. It was a long shot, I know. Ivy had been sad without our beloved whale. We used to spend summer evenings on the dock reading to the whale and simply watching his majestic beauty. So, I thought.. perhaps this was him. Had he really found his way back to us? I told the kids I had something special on the beach. I looked for my camera and they looked for some binoculars. We walked down the road to the beach and began to watch.. I didn't share my news of what I saw, just in case. Then.. after about 20 minutes time.. there he was. He was breaching out over the water, his body showed just before a large blow of air came out. Ivy was squealing in delight. "Mommy! Mommy! Mommy! Mr. Whale, a whale!" we stood and watched him for a while. Then, something I'd not seen earlier happened, another whale came to surface.. a baby. Mr. Whale was not a Mr. after all..she was a Mrs, a Mommy! She had taken so long to find us as she had given birth to a calf. This indeed was our friend..I stood in awe and cried tears of joy as our beloved had found her way home to us, once again.

Whale Watching, Ice Cream & Fireflies Whale Watching, Ice Cream & Fireflies Whale Watching, Ice Cream & Fireflies Whale Watching, Ice Cream & Fireflies Whale Watching, Ice Cream & Fireflies After we had watched our whale family for quite sometime the kids wanted to play in the small tidal pools and search for some sea-glass and shells. We didn't find any today but we talked about coming back to see if we could find some at a later date. It was getting a bit dark and they were hungry. We took a walk to the cafe for an ice cream cone before we lost all of the daylight. Whale Watching, Ice Cream & Fireflies Whale Watching, Ice Cream & Fireflies Whale Watching, Ice Cream & Fireflies Whale Watching, Ice Cream & Fireflies When we were through we made the walk back to the house just as the darkness fell upon us. As we passed by the barn we stopped and saw a few fireflies glimmering around the fence posts. We stopped and tried to catch a few, and we all managed to catch at least one. The kids were amazed at their simple beauty. Whale Watching, Ice Cream & Fireflies Whale Watching, Ice Cream & Fireflies It was a beautiful and simple day to end another wonderful summer day here in France.. Whale Watching, Ice Cream & Fireflies

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