August 3rd was my 9th rez day! I have been in second life for a very long time now. It's really hard to believe that I have been here so long. I've watched SL grow and expand. I remember the days of no direct TP's, no flexi, no real AO's, a VERY small map, simple skins, no prim hair. All of this was pretty amazing. I've met a lot of people in Second Life so far, some I have even met in real life. I can not begin to express my love for all of my friends, past, present and those whom I still have yet to make a bond with for all of their love. Many I have been friends with for years and we're still close as ever. I was not going to make this a sappy post.. so, without getting into it too much.
When I logged in I saw Natalee, Ivy and Joey all waiting for me. They wanted to know if I wanted to go to the cafe for dinner and just spend time together. I had not given much thought about the fact that it was my rez day. So, we went to the cafe and ordered our meal. We walked in to find a table and I saw a table with a giant cake on it, a card and a balloon. It was for me!

Ivy and Natalee had made me a special card and gave me a special pearl necklace (Made especially for me by Natalee!) Joey had given me a little sailor teddy bear and a small bowl with a little lighthouse in it. They were all perfect gifts. It brought me to tears that they all remembered the day and thought of me. After we ate dinner and dessert, they asked me to go to the beach. We all sat down and I was just simply enjoying the waves and the sound of the gulls in the distance until.. fireworks! They had set up a small fireworks show. I have some really beautiful people in my life. I am thankful for my small family, my friends - past, present and to come. Thank you all for touching my life, you've made an impact on my real life and helped shape me into the woman I am. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. You have the best of my love, always.

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