Dinner date with Natalee & Ivy
(with additions to our farm!)
Natalee came to visit Ivy and I at our new home for a weekend a while back. We were elated to see her.. and all of her luggage. (She's just like me, an over-packer!) We were both so excited to see her and finally give her a big hug. We didn't waste too much time before we headed out to dinner at the local cafe. I had asked our housekeeper, Oulette to take care of Nat's luggage while we were out. So, with that.. we were off. Nat was just taking in all of the beauty around the countryside, Ivy was trying to point everything out to her. It was wonderful to see them engaging together and Ivy able to show her where everything was. I drove along with a smile on my face, just listening to them talk and glad she was here with us.

As we were making our way to the market we drove past our barn and saw that the farmer from down the road had arrived with a special gift, I'd not told the girls about. He was a bit early, I assumed to prep some stalls. I gave him a wave and a small nod of acknowledgment that I would see him soon.

We finally arrived at "Cafe de Flores" and we parked alongside of the cobble street and went up to the small door. Natalee already mentioned that she could hear some of the music, the voices were surrounding us from the busy market down the road. Tonight was poetry night at the Cafe, I'd hoped she would be able to hear some.. perhaps not understand but at least hear.

We all looked over the menu and I did my best to translate it for them and even order in French. I am improving!

After we paid I had them pick out a table where they might like to sit and we chatted as we waited for the Barista to bring our food over to us.

After about 15 minutes the barista showed up at our table with our meal. By this time a man had showed up to read some poetry for us. Nat.. was smitten. She was staring and really enjoying his accent. She kept asking me what he was talking about. I have become accustomed to the accent and I can for the most part understand what people are saying, although I did struggle a bit this time.

After all of our meals were done and Nat handed our phone number down on a piece of paper for the gentleman who read poetry we headed towards the exit to leave. I was stopped by both of them who wanted to pick up some sweet treats for later that evening and some fresh espresso for morning.

It was getting dark by the time we made it out of the cafe. I told the girls that we needed to hurry back to the barn because something was waiting for us. They were both curious, so we all hopped into the car and made our way to the barn. As we pulled up Ivy was in the backseat "I see it! I see it! Who's that Mommy?" I slowed down and parked the car on the side of our small farm road and got out. Shook hands the with farmer and he explained to me that the stalls were clean and ready. He opened the back of the trailer to show the girls we had a new family of...

We had a new family of goats!

It took us a few minutes and with the help of the farmer we were able to get them into the pasture. Ivy couldn't believe it! She wanted to name the two babies and Nat wanted to name two of the adult ones and I named one of them. We spent a bit of time getting to know the new members of our family before the sun really started to set and we made the journey up the driveway and home.

We all went indoors and changed into some pj's and made the decisions that we'd sleep on the beach for the night. Natalee helped Ivy change into their pj's while I looked for some sleeping bags, extra blankets and a story to read on the beach. They yelled to me from downstairs "We'll go find a spot for us, see you outside!" So, I figured that was perfect.. little did I know..

That when I went to look for them they had hidden themselves! I was on a real hide and seek game that night! I took a walk down by the playhouse with a flashlight and called out for them.. nothing, no noises. I was slightly worried as the cliff's edge behind the house are very steep. Natalee is new to the area and I'd not want them to slip and fall.

I thought that I heard some giggles from the inside of the playhouse, so I walked around to the side of building and opened the door. Hearing two small giggles, I played along. "Natalee? Ivvvvy? Where are you?!"

I found them both hiding in the little tent inside. After lots of little giggles we walked back up to the house and out front to make our way down to the beach to sleep.

We found a nice spot to lay down for the night and made a small fire.

I took out an old antique book that has been in my Husband's family for years. "Grimm's Fairy tales" and open to the first story inside. "The 12 Princess's" and read it aloud to them. (I actually have a very, very old copy of the book and read it aloud over voice.) After the story we all sat and talked before climbing into a large sleeping bag to sleep for the night. Ending our day on such a beautiful note.. this is where all Fairy Tales begin...
